In a broken world, we help people become whole through Jesus.
We put Jesus at the center, believe all people matter and community is essential. We emphasize the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit and the restorative power of community. Whether it happens through The Mosaic Center or Mosaic Church, we want to share good news with single moms, proclaim freedom for people coming out of addiction and jail, strengthen families with special needs, reveal the Lord’s favor to folks exploring Christianity for the first time or after years away.
“Mosaic has been a place of deep healing for us on our spiritual journey. The emphasis on wholeness through community and holiness through grace-filled spiritual practices have been life-giving. What a joy it’s been to see each of our family members flourish in our personal walks with God!”
Do you know JAC?
Jesus is at the center of everything we do. Which, since we are a church, would seem like an obvious thing, until you begin to count how many times that one statement causes us to say no. We’re realizing that it is a counter-cultural thing to do but if Jesus isn’t the goal, then it is probably not for us.
All people matter. We want to love and value those Jesus loves and values. The people Jesus hung out with on earth … those are our people, too.
Community is essential. Ours is not a “lone ranger” mission. We promote small groups, recovery groups, mission and ministry teams, because we believe healing, mission, spiritual formation and leadership development best happen in the context of community.
We believe these values are not only life-changing but world-changing, so they are the values that guide our choices and trajectory at Mosaic.