Been to the movies lately? Or streamed one? A really good one? Ones of those stories that tug at your heartstrings? One of those stories that bring tears to your…
This week, Katherine is preaching on a chapter that the Bible Project calls "a really strange story." And she's really excited about it! As we walk through Ezra 4, we'll…
The story in the book of Ezra represents a significant milestone in Israel's history. After 70 years in exile -- in a fractured land of foreign gods -- the people…
Last week, we began our journey into the book of Ezra and learned that whatever our situation, whatever the cause of our exile, we don’t have to stay in Babylon.…
This Sunday, we'll get familiar with our friend Ezra, and we'll talk a little about what it takes to reclaim, rebuild, return, and restore. Because there's more to it than…
Yes, Lord! Do it again! This week, let's cast a little vision. As a faith community, what gets us most excited? How has God shaped us uniquely for this time…

Audacious Optimism

May 28, 2023
What would it take for you to engage your faith? To actually have to use your faith, rather than just your gifts, common sense, intelligence... What would get you moving…
Here's the big idea this week: entire sanctification is by grace through faith, not works. That is great news! So yes, there are pitfalls of attempting to live a holy…
These days we are learning who we are inside the holiness of God. In these conversations, we're learning that holiness is not slavery. It is freedom! It is God calling…
As we go deeper into the Art of Holiness, we want to consider our influences. Last week we discussed the unholy trinity of the world, the flesh, and the devil.…
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