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The Book Of Genesis

The Book Of Genesis

The Promise, The Story, and The Blessing

| May 19, 2024

Genesis 46 -48 | The Promise, The Story, and The Blessing

Friends, we are coming to the close of a powerful and rich journey through the Book of Genesis as a community. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed walking through it with you. This week, we get to see this beautiful story come full circle. It leaves us asking the question, what does it mean to give the blessing? Come and together let's discover the invitation to participate in giving the blessing to those around us, and by doing so, join God in restoring the world.

The Book Of Genesis

Reframing By Grace

| May 12, 2024

Last week, we listened to Joseph's story of exile and rescue. We learned from his experience with dreams what is means to carry the favor of God and to step humbly into redemption. This week, we take up the second half of his story and learn through his family relationships what it means to walk in step with a forgiving God. We discover from his story (and from the New Testament story of Onesimus) that the first person (and sometimes the only person) to benefit from forgiveness is us. Bring your hardest circumstances and relationships with you into worship this week. Let's watch together as God draws healing waters up from his well of Grace.

The Book Of Genesis

Jesus Is Our Rescue

| May 5, 2024

Genesis 37-41: Dreams Conferred and Deferred

When you have a dream, but can't figure out how to get there, it can be so frustrating. When your dreams take you in unexpected directions, it can be surprising (and sometimes disappointing!) This Sunday, we meet the original Dreamer -- Jacob's son, Joseph. We discover through Joseph's story that dreams are one way God moves our stories forward. Looking forward to talking about dreams, visions, exile, and hope ...

The Book Of Genesis

“We’re Not Gonna Play Games, We’re Gonna Honor God.”

| April 28, 2024

We're nearing summer, and for some of us that means finding space and time to hit our favorite beach or vacation spot -- that place that feels like peace and rest the minute we walk through the door. Do you have a place like that? Or maybe you have a space closer to home that, that when you step into it, you sense the presence of God.

I have several spaces like that. One is a trail near my house. As soon as my foot falls on that trail, I breathe easier. My brain stops racing. I hear Jesus better. It's a holy place.

In this week's Genesis passage, we get to visit Bethel, Jacob's holy ground. We can feel the goodness of God as Jacob encounters Him there, and we too, can hunger for that space where God shows up. I hope you can say that Mosaic is one of those places for you. And I hope this Sunday, as you step into worship and hear the Word of God, you (like Jacob) can say, "Surely the Lord is in this place!"

The Book Of Genesis

Digging Wells

| April 7, 2024

In the midst of an awful drought, Isaac dug many wells and found water every time. In modern terms, that’s like doing well financially in the midst of a terrible recession. So, what does Isaac’s faith teach us? How did his faith bless the world around him? How can we live with a similar faith in God?


The Book Of Genesis

Genesis 15 – Faith Over Certainty

| February 11, 2024

Does God Keep His Promises?

Yes, he does! Everything we are and everything we believe hinges on this one fundamental truth: God keeps his word. The one thing that must be true -- before anything else about God can be true -- is that God keeps his promises. And if God keeps his word, then there is no place we can go that’s too far from him, no place he won’t go to bring us home. This is true for you, for me, and for the world. And friend, even when it doesn’t feel like it, its true. May this be your hope this week.

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The Book Of Genesis

Discerning the Call of the Blessing – Genesis 12

| February 4, 2024

You know that critical moment in a suspense movie when the right person finally shows up? Everything looks like disaster is eminent, but suddenly something happens that brings a future and a hope? This week God shows up with His plan that will redeem all things. It's a plan that begins with the lives of Abraham and Sarah, but quickly comes to us. Like Abraham and Sarah, how do we partner with God to bring His blessing and overturn the curse. Join us as we continue our journey through Genesis this Sunday!

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The Book Of Genesis

Genesis 11 – God Builds Movements

| January 28, 2024

This Sunday is one you won't want to miss. This week, we will take time during worship to celebrate the good provision of God and the plans we are discerning for our future as a church. God is on the move, and I'm excited to prepare with you for what's to come.

We will also continue our journey through Genesis. Some of the stories in this first book of the Bible are hard, but they are also real. And they help us understand God's character and the human condition. We come to know God as full of grace and patience, and ourselves as vulnerable and in need of a savior. Which makes knowing that we have one all that much sweeter. This Sunday we'll encounter the Tower of Babel (Genesis 10-11), and we'll talk about that need we humans have for more. God's response is always more of him, which is exactly what we need.

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The Book Of Genesis

Genesis 5-9

| January 21, 2024

The flood story in Genesis is hard to believe, isn't it? How could a loving Creator wipe 99.9% of his creatures off the face of the earth? And if he did it once, what keeps him from doing it again? (or, why hasn't he done it again?) The story of Noah takes us into the deep end (pun intended) of theology, where we swim in the waters of creation, character and covenant. This is no kids' story ... this is for all of us who want to understand God's intent for this world we inhabit.

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The Book Of Genesis

This is Life to You | Genesis 3

| January 12, 2024

Bible Study 101 teaches us that when we read scripture, we are reading over the shoulders of the audience who first read these texts. In the ancient world, that would mean people hearing stories and teaching from Genesis would be hearing through a tribal filter and as tribal people they lived, worked, worshiped, and played together. For them, community was essential. In other words, there was no "you do you" in an ancient culture. And for us, this is great news. Our core value is embedded in the first chapters of Genesis! I can't wait to open the Word again on Sunday and discover what Genesis has for us today.

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Mosaic Church

A Global Methodist Congregation

478 Columbia Industrial Boulevard
Evans, Georgia 30809

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