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The Jesus Stuff

The Jesus Stuff

Spiritual Healing

| September 24, 2023

We have learned a lot this month about what healing prayer means in real-life terms. Hearing the stories of Heather and Ardis, practicing prayer together during and after worship, examining the healing life of Jesus ... I hope this focus has helped you become more open to the idea that Jesus does still heal people. And his healing has a unique look in our community. It is both intimate and community-oriented, stunning and subtle, real and effective. Thank you for leaning in to these ideas and beginning to make them your own. Together, in a broken world, we can help people become whole through Jesus. And this Sunday, we'll search the Word one more time for all that scripture can teach us about how to live out that mission well.

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The Jesus Stuff

Emotional Healing

| September 17, 2023

Somewhere, someone shared this thought with me -- some people heal in leaps, but others heal in layers. Listening to Heather's amazing story last week (if you haven't listened, I hope you'll take time to do so), we are beginning to build a case for just that. Some people heal in leaps, but others heal in layers. This Sunday, we'll hear another story of God's amazing grace poured out over a life and over time. And then we'll listen together to a "healing in layers" story from the life of Jesus. I hope you'll find comfort and confidence in discovering that even Jesus took time in healing others. I'll see you Sunday as we continue the journey toward learning how to be a healing community! ~ Carolyn

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The Jesus Stuff

The Stuff of Miracles

| September 10, 2023

I have a story to tell! It's a story about how Jesus shows up in unexpected ways, at unexpected times, and does unexpected things ... It's a story about how Jesus leveled my expectations of him as I watched him work in my body, and in all the folks around me. He taught me how to ground all I know of healing solidly in truth. My story is one of healing, cellular and soulular, beautifully in process and full of hope. Friends, Jesus still works miracles. Jesus heals, and he is my healer. I can't wait to share with you what's he's been doing in my life lately. I sure hope I see you Sunday! ~ Heather

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The Jesus Stuff

The Jesus Stuff

| September 3, 2023

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.”

~ Luke 4:18-19

What Luke (and Isaiah) said? That's exactly what Jesus did. That was his mission statement. Jesus healed blind people, and raised dead people, and set free those who were oppressed by demons. He met people right where they were and called down healing over them ... over and over again (at least 40 times in the gospels). In scene after scene, we see Jesus touching people and loving them and proclaiming healing over them. Friends, healing is the stuff Jesus did! And as followers of Jesus, we also are called to be healers and to do "the Jesus stuff." Let's talk about that. Let's get inspired by the healing stories among us to step into the healing life of a Jesus-loving, hand-laying, prayer-proclaiming, trust-and-obeying believer! See you Sunday!

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Mosaic Church

A Global Methodist Congregation

478 Columbia Industrial Boulevard
Evans, Georgia 30809

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