Singleness and the “Already/Not Yet.”

| March 16, 2025

We learn in recovery that often times we are tempted to seek a geographical solution for a spiritual problem. So we think that our circumstances are the problem instead of learning how to be God's man or woman inside the circumstance itself. This Sunday, Paul will teach us to think about our our own context and how the gospel can be embodied and brought to bear in our day-to-day lives in the unique circumstances that each of us find ourselves.

The Gospel and Sexual Holiness

| March 9, 2025

I would like to tell you guys a story of perhaps the most awkward and challenging experiences I have personally observed in church. What it taught me is that love is difficult. Sometimes we want to make love out to be a feeling when it requires thought and process. But if we walk that out, we get to see God's kingdom advance.

Daniel 3

| March 2, 2025

Don't fear the fire! Last week, we talked about powerlessly reigning and power. This week, we're gonna talk about what it means to not fear the fire. We all go through situations that test our faith. In any given moment, the people we love are going through the same. How do we learn to look through the fire and to see the God who is with us?

Gospel Power to be an Apostolic People

| February 23, 2025

Paul says, "My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me." What does it mean to have a clear conscience? What does it mean to reign with Christ? How do these two things interconnect?

Judgement Day For The Believer

| February 16, 2025

We are learning how to live out the gospel in community. Have you ever noticed that contending to win and contending for truth are often not the same? Contending for truth calls you to deal deeply with the inner person. In some ways this is at the heart of embracing Christ Crucified in community. So this week the call is to “Contend for the Gospel of Christ-Crucified inwardly and it will have power to build-up God’s people corporately."We are learning how to live out the gospel in community. Have you ever noticed that contending to win and contending for truth are often not the same? Contending for truth calls you to deal deeply with the inner person. In some ways this is at the heart of embracing Christ Crucified in community. So this week the call is to “Contend for the Gospel of Christ-Crucified inwardly and it will have power to build-up God’s people corporately."We are learning how to live out the gospel in community. Have you ever noticed that contending to win and contending for truth are often not the same? Contending for truth calls you to deal deeply with the inner person. In some ways this is at the heart of embracing Christ Crucified in community. So this week the call is to “Contend for the Gospel of Christ-Crucified inwardly and it will have power to build-up God’s people corporately."