God is good. God loves you. God can be trusted.
This Sunday, let's come together to celebrate our life in Christ and in community. We will have one service 10:30a, where we'll revel in gratitude and return to what is most important -- the profound goodness and deep love of God. Steve and I will be honored to share Communion with you as we mark a milestone in our own history with this beautiful community. This will be my last Sunday as your pastor, though we will continue to serve alongside you in ministry.
Steve and I want to thank you -- deeply, from the bottom of our hearts -- for such a rich time of testimony and celebration last Saturday. My goodness, what gratitude and love we sensed in that room as we acknowledged together all God has done among us. Thank you for the beautiful gift of your stories, the very generous vacation gift, and the lavish gift of your time and care. We love you all so much and are overwhelmed by the goodness of God in allowing us to serve at Mosaic.