Always Hopes
This month, we've been talking about what it means to be an "Always Family," just like Paul described. What does it mean to bear with each other in love? What does the Bible say about trusting people who aren't all that trustworthy? This week, we'll talk about how to "always hope" in a world that seems much more ready to disappoint and discourage us. We'll draw from scripture as well as one of the more powerful (and famous) hope-filled speeches of our generation, and we'll learn that even in tough times, hope IS possible. This is a good word for a burdened world.
Topics: Biblical Hope

Always Trusts
We hope you’ll listen to last week’s message so you can get the visual of the red Solo cup in your head. That cup is a great encouragement. We know while we are making excuses and dragging our feet, God is waving flies away from our “cup” and waiting in love for our response. Ours is an Always God who never disappoints. This week we discover that he is also a God we can trust, who calls us into a trusting community. I can’t wait to talk through this one with you, as we learn together what it means to be an Always Family.

Always Protects
Disconnection is trending. We want to blame it on Covid, and it is true that pandemic life has put “distancing” into our everyday vocabulary. But the fact is, disconnection was cool before Covid and it probably won’t disappear when Covid recedes into the background. Why is that? On our own, we trend away from communities of grace. Rewiring ourselves to lean into our relationships requires intentional habits inspired by, empowered by, and sustained by the Holy Spirit.
This month, we'll talk about how that happens in a series of messages called "The Always Family." What is an "Always Family"? Paul describes it in his letter to the Corinthian church. It is a community that always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. What a great family to be part of! Let's learn together what it means to be an "always family" so we can make the most of 2022. See you Sunday!

New Improved Year Resolution
A new year is an incredibly hopeful thing for me. It isn't just that we get to try again, but that we can be hopeful about what's ahead. And I am a fan of hope! Hope is probably what encourages New Year resolutions, but is that the best way to welcome hope into our lives? Especially since most of us end up dropping them by mid-January, it seems as if resolutions can be counter-productive. And as Steve Moore shares with us this week, they may not even be biblical. What if we focus instead in the person of Christ, rather than the work of life? That's where we'll be this Sunday as we begin the Year of Sweet Communion.
Topics: Biblical Expectation, Focus, Jesus, Resolution

Sweet Communion
Join us for a special message designed to help us as a family catch a vision for online worship in 2022. We are excited for the chance to speak directly to our online family! We'll also talk more about our word for the season ahead: sweet communion.

Glory in Grace
This Sunday is going to be beautiful! We'll worship with a simple acoustic band, listen to the song of Zechariah (Luke 2:67-79), then consecrate our new baptistry. At the 11a service, we'll baptize three people and help another to remember and claim her baptism. As they are baptized, we can all remember our salvation and be glad as we make our way toward a meaningful Christmas Eve celebration. I hope to see you Sunday.
Topics: Baptism, Glory, God, God's work, Grace

Hope In Hidden Places
For all the "hard" that has been this whole pandemic season, I hope you've also managed to uncover some blessings along the way. Maybe they have come in the form of a new job or a fresh take on what's most important. Maybe you've rediscovered the joy of cooking or the art of slowing down. Because we serve a creative God, we know there are blessings embedded in most any circumstance. Ours is to explore until we find them. This week, we'll talk about hope in hidden places as we continue our journey to a manger, where we find the most glorious Hope of all. I hope to see you Sunday!

Wonder In The Incarnation
In a season still heavy with questions, it is good to know that the mystery of Christ's coming is not one more uncertainty to brace for, but a beautiful mystery we can embrace and welcome into our lives. Isn't this great news? Christmas is not an old story trying to be resurrected, but an eternal and living mystery designed to feed us with hope, peace, and joy. This week, we'll mine the depths of Christ's coming and let the wonder of the Incarnation restore our spirits.
Topics: Glory, Incarnation, Nicene Creed

Majesty In The Manger
This Sunday we begin the advent season with a reminder of how it all began. We'll explore the incantation and the power of Jesus to transform lives and hearts.
Topics: Christmas, Incarnation, Jesus

A Giving Gospel
We are God's treasured possessions, a kingdom of priests, and all of Creation belongs to God alone. This week, we'll talk about what it means to live as a generous Kingdom people in light of the truth about who God is and who we are.
Topics: Generosity, Giving, Gratitude