Love God, Love Others

| November 14, 2021

Do you remember "normal" family holidays? Me, neither. We are all grieving the loss of our old "normals," some of which may never return. But the good news is that the space created gives room for us to find some new "normals" -- things that feed our souls and help us connect more deeply with God and each other. At Mosaic, we're doing just that. We're looking for new "normals" that feed our relationship with God and that breed life and joy into our community. This Sunday, we'll talk about how we can intentionally sow good practices into our holidays so we can welcome the mystery in ways that refresh and renew.

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A Common Table

| November 7, 2021

Folks, I can't wait to be with you around the Table and around our tables this Sunday! We will come together at 10:30a for ONE COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE this Sunday. We will remember the story of Jesus' last meal on earth, experience holy communion as a family, then spread out around town to enjoy meals and conversations around each others' tables. What a pleasure it will be to be in each others' homes again! What a joy to just enjoy each other! I'm so looking forward to this time together. And if you can't make a meal, come to worship anyway. We want you with us in whatever way you can be with us, as we celebrate this common life!

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Breaking Of The Bread

| October 31, 2021

This week we continue to explore what it means to be the family of God, called around a holy table for a holy purpose. Sunday's message will help us see the powerful, traditional, historic way to build fellowship, family, and community with both physical and spiritual food. Steve Moore is our preacher this Sunday! Make sure you show up and grab a seat up front. You won't want to miss this!

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Gathered People

| October 24, 2021

Join us as we begin a new series of messages. As followers of Jesus we are a family that gathers around a holy table for a holy purpose — to learn how to love God and love each other. Beginning this Sunday, we'll explore what it means to be a gathered people around a common table. We will look in on first-century followers who often scattered but always found their way together again around The Table.

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Love Always

| October 17, 2021

We are thrilled to welcome Lo Alaman to Mosaic this Sunday. Those who have been to New Room know just what a treat we're in for. Lo is a speaker, spoken word poet, pastor, preacher, and all-round awesome guy. He is the author of We Sang A Dirge -- a book of poems powerfully capturing our nation's year of lament. Lo's poetry, messages, and his whole life minister Christ into every moment. We are truly honored to have him with us to pour into our Epic students and share with us on Sunday.

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Prayer in Communion

| October 10, 2021

We finish our series of messages on prayer by listening in on Jesus' prayer in John 17. We'll learn how to pray specifically for those God gives us, but so much more. We'll learn to pray prayers that transcend our own needs. We'll learn how to use prayer to set the table for joy, for the gospel message, for deep fellowship, for lasting communion, for glory.

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Praying For Blessing

| October 3, 2021

This week, we continue our series on prayer with the beautiful passage from Philippians that contains Paul's loving prayer over the church. In only eight verses, Paul teaches us what It means to love biblically. Paul's longing and desires for the early church are the same longings and desires God holds in his heart for us, that we love one another as God has loved us.

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Prayers That Heal

| September 26, 2021

These days of talking about and practicing prayer that transcends have been deeply meaningful. We've been grateful for the witness of your prayers and faith. This week, we will dive in again and explore the ministry of healing prayer. We will hear healing stories from the Bible and from people in our own community.

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Deliver Us From Evil

| September 19, 2021

This is a message you don't want to miss! We have a special gift to share and are just so excited that we'll get to experience it together. We'll also talk about how to pray against the darkness, so that we are working in partnership with God to bring hope and healing where the enemy roams.

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Praying Kingdom Down

| September 12, 2021

In a world that is increasingly disconnected for all kinds of reasons, reconnecting is an important practice that deserves our energy and intention. And what better place to begin than our connection with God? This month, we’re focusing on that connection and talking together about how prayer can not just reconnect us spiritually but reignite our faith and life. This week, we will focus on the prayer Jesus taught his followers to pray, with a focus on this important prophetic question: What can be? The Lord’s Prayer gives us a pattern for praying hopefully into what can be … in our lives and in our world.

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