Prayer Is Hard

| September 5, 2021

This Sunday we begin a new series. We'll spend six weeks exploring the call to prayer and what it means for the life of a believer. The first message in the series considers our posture in prayer and how it should be secondary to praying the needs of our heart, and how that idea applies to both personal and corporate prayer. See you Sunday!

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Disciples Making Disciples

| August 29, 2021

This week, we finish a series of messages to take us three steps forward. We've learned together how to open the Word, listen to it, and let it take us into the heart of the Father. And this week we will learn how to let it send us out into the world. The story of Philip, a missionary and evangelist, teaches us something about Kingdom economics. We'll learn what matters in the art of sharing Jesus.

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Step Three | Communion

| August 22, 2021

We've had fun these last two weeks pretending to be a LifeGroup in worship. You have done great work in getting all the "good" out of the creation story in Genesis 1 as we've practiced our "Three Steps Forward" together. This Sunday, we take on Step 3, which is the best part. This is where we get to enjoy God, then put feet to the work of following Jesus out into the world. As we learned last week, this process is not where we end, but it is a great place to begin. Thanks for being in it together.


Step Two | Confession

| August 15, 2021

This month, we are learning together how to use a simple tool to take us Three Steps Forward in our own spiritual life, while we learn how to disciple others in the way of Jesus. "The Card" helps us ask good questions of God, ourselves, and the Bible, both personally and in our LifeGroups. Last week, we learned how to "read" scripture by listening to the Holy Spirit as we listen to a passage. This week, we'll talk about how to let that passage personally shape our response to life by using reflective questions that allow us to have a deeper conversation with the Bible under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I'm just really excited to talk through this method of devotional reading with you, and look forward to worshiping and working the Word together.

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Step One | Contemplation

| August 8, 2021

Welcome to week 2 of "The Card is our Culture." To create a world that looks like Jesus, you have to make disciples of King Jesus. This week we are taking a deep dive into Step One in the work of disciple making -- scripture contemplation. Join us as we look at how to hear the message of scripture more clearly and teach others to do the same.


The Card Is Our Culture

| August 1, 2021

Our new message series begins, and it's all about what it means to follow Jesus. This week, we'll hear the charge from Jesus himself. And you'll get to see what our ministry leaders have been working on all summer. We will introduce a discipleship tool for every age -- a card we hope will become so useful to your devotional practice and small group life that it becomes our culture.

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Isaiah 66: Reviving Worship

| July 25, 2021

This week we find ourselves in Isaiah 66, the last chapter of Isaiah's prophecies. Isaiah ends with a word of hope-filled grace, and a reminder that our God is the Lord of all and will bring new life out of the ashes. And his favor will rest on those who worship Him wholeheartedly, in love.

Worthy of Worship

| July 18, 2021

This summer we have been following the thread of worship through Isaiah. This week Isaiah introduces us to Jesus through his prophecy of the Cross. Isaiah 53 gives us one of the clearest pictures of the person and work of Christ through the lens of his human suffering. Join us as we explore Isaiah 53. We'll connect with Jesus, discover another dimension of his character, all while we remember together why he is worthy of worship.

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A New Thing

| July 11, 2021

This summer we have been following the thread of worship through Isaiah. This week we enter a new sequence of Isaiah's prophecy, one that is hopeful, personal, and challenging. God's word to the Israelites is  a word for us. He wants to do a new thing. God loves us. He sees our current reality, and he wants to make a way through we could never see for ourselves. He wants to do a new thing! Are you ready? See you Sunday.

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New Jerusalem

| July 4, 2021

What a great summer read Isaiah has been! We have been following the thread of worship through Isaiah for  several weeks, and every week it just gets better. This Sunday, Isaiah will help us get off the mountain that has us stuck and onto a mountain where we can stake our claim in the Kingdom.

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