The Audacious Claim of Generosity

| January 31, 2021

There are signs of hope budding in the world. We've been holed up and thinking in survival terms for so long, but things are looking up. The vaccine is making its way into our lives. The angriest among us seem to have taken a break from national unrest. Our beautiful southern spring will be here soon. Meanwhile, bills have been paid, food has been on the table, most of us have kept our jobs. Even those of us who haven't can say with the writer of Acts that "God's grace has been powerfully at work among us." So how do we respond to that grace? Perhaps it is time to cultivate a generous spirit toward life again. This Sunday, we'll talk about that as we learn from the example of the first-century church how to flourish in the storm.

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Point to Jesus

| January 24, 2021

John's death (John, as in "the Baptist") should have been the subject of a soap opera. It is the ultimate good vs. evil storyline, complete with romance and vengeance. And all because John wouldn't stay quiet about Herod's affair. But here's the thing: discipleship is costly and holiness has benefits. Because John's actions, words, and witness always pointed to Jesus, his influence has impacted the ages. In a world of shallow discipleship, John encourages us to find the deep end and be fearless when diving in.


Are You The One?

| January 17, 2021

John's death (John, as in "the Baptist") should have been the subject of a soap opera. It is the ultimate good vs. evil storyline, complete with romance and vengeance. And all because John wouldn't stay quiet about Herod's affair. But here's the thing (spoiler alert for Sunday's message): discipleship is costly, but holiness has benefits.

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Repent and be Baptized

| January 10, 2021

This month, we're letting the life of John the Baptist inspire us as we consider Mosaic's word for the year: Prepare. This week, we watch as John baptizes Jesus -- a scene so full of lessons and revelations that it invites us to rethink ... everything.

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Choose Life

| December 27, 2020

On January 3 we begin a new series called "Prepare the Way." But first, we will take a Sunday to spend a little time exploring what it means biblically to choose life. As we look forward to the year ahead there is one choice we can all make that has the power to place us firmly inside God's will. We can choose life.


Be Grateful

| December 20, 2020

Friends, we're almost there. This is our last Sunday before Christmas, and then many of us will get some down time before 2021 hits. We are all in need of some breathing room. What a year. And yet, this week's message encourages us away from simply surviving and gives us permission to embrace the mystery.


Be Gentle

| December 13, 2020

This week, we journey with Mary and Joseph as they travel first to be counted in a census, and then to bear a child into the world. As we've already discovered in this series of messages, the lessons learned from the story of Christmas don't naturally follow from the details. For Mary and Joseph, this was a hard world. Mary and Joseph teach us what it takes to follow the call of God in a harsh world.


Be Realistic

| December 6, 2020

The gospel is full of paradox. Jesus is always saying things like, "The last will be first," and, "If you want to live, you must be willing to die." It seems that in the process of following Jesus, things are not always what they seem. Sunday's message gives us one more example of Kingdom paradox: If you want a miracle, be realistic

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Be Present

| November 29, 2020

This Sunday, we begin a new series. We'll let the Christmas story as told in the book of Luke inform our choice to be present, be realistic, be gentle and be grateful. Along the way, we'll get involved in some opportunities to serve our community. We'll also endulge in an Advent devotional reading plan to help bring our community together.

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Joy In The Spirit

| November 22, 2020

We’ve been spending November talking about how to find joy in a pandemic-y world. What we’re finding is that joy IS possible, even when the world is conspiring against us, because biblical joy is not rooted in our circumstances but in the love of God. This week, we’ll explore the roots of joy and joylessness, as we celebrate the author of all joy.

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