The Way of the Kingdom Part 3

| September 8, 2024

How do you know if you are on the right road? Being on the right road is vitally important in arriving at the right destination. In Matthew 7, Jesus gives us several hints to help us know if we are on the right road.

The Way of the Kingdom Part 2

| September 1, 2024

Last week, we learned about the first block of teaching from Jesus in Matthew 5. What exactly are "Acts of Righteousness?" We learned about what it looked like to live in the absence of Jesus. This week, we'll see what it’s like to be in His presence. Join us on as we dive deeper into the book of Matthew.

The Way of the Kingdom Part 1

| August 25, 2024

What does it mean that the Kingdom is both here now and forthcoming? What if King Jesus invites us to the already and not yet? What if our faith allows us to see the clear picture of the Kingdom? Come join us as we continue our walk through the Book of Matthew and celebrate Jesus as King.

The Tests of Human Kind

| August 18, 2024

Jesus was baptized for us, but in Matthew 4, Jesus takes on the enemy for us. In a world that longs for quick fixes, what does it mean to follow Jesus the right way? How do you remove restricting beliefs that keep you from open to Kingdom possibilities? Come join us as we continue to walk through the Book of Matthew and celebrate Jesus as King.