Matthew 3 – Repentance that Invites God’s Glory

| August 11, 2024

Jesus was baptized? I thought baptism was for repentant sinners. But Jesus never sinned, right? In a world that wars for status and power, Jesus shows us a different way. A way that releases God’s glory throughout the land. Join us this Sunday as we follow Jesus into His baptism through Matthew 3!

Going from Anti-Trust to Trust

| August 4, 2024

The Gospels are the story that tells us Jesus is King. What does it mean to have our lives built by the understanding that Jesus is King? In today's world, what does it look like to live as a citizen of this Kingdom? Join us as we dive deep into the book of Matthew! We'll kick off the "Jesus is King" series this Sunday, August 4.

God is good. God loves you. God can be trusted.

| July 28, 2024

This Sunday, let's come together to celebrate our life in Christ and in community. We will have one service 10:30a, where we'll revel in gratitude and return to what is most important -- the profound goodness and deep love of God. Steve and I will be honored to share Communion with you as we mark a milestone in our own history with this beautiful community. This will be my last Sunday as your pastor, though we will continue to serve alongside you in ministry.

Steve and I want to thank you -- deeply, from the bottom of our hearts -- for such a rich time of testimony and celebration last Saturday. My goodness, what gratitude and love we sensed in that room as we acknowledged together all God has done among us. Thank you for the beautiful gift of your stories, the very generous vacation gift, and the lavish gift of your time and care. We love you all so much and are overwhelmed by the goodness of God in allowing us to serve at Mosaic.

Blessing the Generations

| July 21, 2024

Friends, I can hardly believe we are only two Sundays away from transitioning "from one call to the next" and from one generation to the next. I am at once filled with gratitude for how you have received this season, and grieving the inevitable changes this will bring. I have so loved being your pastor! And yet, the Lord has led us to this place in such a profound and obvious way. How can we not be grateful?

These last two Sundays give us a unique and beautiful opportunity to be strengthened, encouraged and empowered by the Holy Spirit for the journey. This Sunday, we will take time to listen in on Paul's conversation with a young pastor named Timothy and learn from an apostle how to set the next generation up for spiritual success.

B.L.E.S.S. Commitment

| July 14, 2024

I have so enjoyed our journey together through our B.L.E.S.S. series. I hope it has been rich for you on both theological and practical levels. What if the missional life is the good life? In Luke 10, Jesus sends out 72 disciples who proclaim the Kingdom of God and see people experience freedom that only the Lord can provide. And they returned with Joy. What is more, they begin to experience Jesus’ joy. So, what if the invitation to B.L.E.S.S. is really an invitation to experience the good life? What if stretching toward Kingdom mission is a lifestyle that brings us into the very joy of God?


| July 7, 2024

Every Christ follower has a story with Jesus. Reflecting on God's work in our lives can deepen our relationship with Him and help us see His faithfulness. Sharing our stories can introduce others to Jesus or grow their faith in Him too. This Sunday, we're going to talk about some of the ways we struggle to share our stories, and how God can use our stories to be a blessing to others. We'll also talk about a beautiful opportunity to share our stories together, and you won't want to miss it!


| June 30, 2024

This week's message will feel a bit like preaching to the choir. Mosaic people serve better than most. You guys have an amazing ability to show up again and again with food, hugs, compassion, prayer, and whatever else is needed so that others sense themselves loved and closer to Jesus. Thank you for being that kind of community that loves to serve more than being served. As we continue to talk about how to BLESS others, you have a head-start on what it looks like to serve in practical ways. So come on Sunday and let's celebrate the ways we can (and do!) serve the way Jesus served.


| June 23, 2024

Shakespeare once asked, “What’s in a name?” This week we ask, “What’s in a meal?” Sharing a meal was a sign of friendship in the ancient world. In many ways Jesus saw it as a sign of His Kingdom. When done with the right heart, sharing a meal creates space for God to work. It also gives people a taste of the life to come. So, this week, we will look at how Jesus used the dinner table to give of himself and invite people into the good life.