“We’re Not Gonna Play Games, We’re Gonna Honor God.”

| April 28, 2024

We're nearing summer, and for some of us that means finding space and time to hit our favorite beach or vacation spot -- that place that feels like peace and rest the minute we walk through the door. Do you have a place like that? Or maybe you have a space closer to home that, that when you step into it, you sense the presence of God.

I have several spaces like that. One is a trail near my house. As soon as my foot falls on that trail, I breathe easier. My brain stops racing. I hear Jesus better. It's a holy place.

In this week's Genesis passage, we get to visit Bethel, Jacob's holy ground. We can feel the goodness of God as Jacob encounters Him there, and we too, can hunger for that space where God shows up. I hope you can say that Mosaic is one of those places for you. And I hope this Sunday, as you step into worship and hear the Word of God, you (like Jacob) can say, "Surely the Lord is in this place!"

“While We Wait, We Wrestle”

| April 21, 2024

Now it's back to Genesis and what a story to jump back into! So much of life is about waiting and wrestling, and the stories we'll explore on Sunday personify that part of our humanity. It is Jacob waiting for Rachel, and Rachel struggling against Leah. It is Rachel waiting for Joseph while Jacob wrestles with God. It is Jacob and Esau both wrestling with each other and waiting for peace.

All that waiting and wrestling is not wasted on God. These stories teach us how God uses the waiting and the wrestling to move our lives forward. And they hold a Messianic thread that will run from Jacob to Jesus.

Reclaiming the Blessing

| April 14, 2024

Whether we know it or not, you and I have lost something of immeasurable value. We may not even be aware that we have lost it. But when you and I discover what we have lost and how we lost it, we will want it back. The good news is that we can get it back. This Sunday, we will discover how that can happen.

Digging Wells

| April 7, 2024

In the midst of an awful drought, Isaac dug many wells and found water every time. In modern terms, that’s like doing well financially in the midst of a terrible recession. So, what does Isaac’s faith teach us? How did his faith bless the world around him? How can we live with a similar faith in God?


Jesus’ Presence Overturns the Curse

| March 31, 2024

Resurrection Sunday!

Jesus didn’t die to forgive us of sin alone. He died to set us free from the curse! Mosaic friends and family, you are invited to worship on Resurrection Day! We will have two services to celebrate the life and resurrection of Christ. And we will discover how His presence empower's us to live in peace.