
In a broken world, we help people become whole through Jesus. And that starts in Sunday morning worship. Our desire is to help deliver the Gospel message both inside and outside our walls. We want folks to know and experience the healing power of Christ. We want to help you find the perfect opportunity to serve God with us.
Click on these links to find job descriptions for service opportunities, and contact Cindy Wilkinson for more information.
Helpful Spiritual Gifts: Encouragement, Evangelism, Faith, Music, Prayer, Serving
Prayer Ministry
We believe God wants his church characterized by prayer, and he honors those who seek him. We are convinced that a bold and intentional prayer effort will restore our sense of community and unify us around God’s vision for the church and the world. We can do nothing worthwhile apart from God. That’s why our prayer ministry exists. And that’s why we are intent on answering our call to life saturated in prayer.
Click on these links to find opportunities to grow in your relationship with God, and contact Christopher Goss for more information.
Helpful Spiritual Gifts: Discernment, Faith, Healing, Interpretation of Tongues, Miracles, Prayer, Tongues

The Ministry Of Welcome
We are the gatekeepers! Our mission is to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for all who enter our doors. We want everyone to know they are valued and treasured, and are welcome in this place. Our goal is to help people know they are home.
Click on these links to find job descriptions for service opportunities, and contact Caroline Latham for more information.
Helpful Spiritual Gifts: Evangelism, Helping, Hospitality, Serving
Adult Discipleship
In Matthew’s telling of the story of Jesus, he ends on a dramatic note. Jesus, now resurrected and full of authority, sends his followers out with what we call The Great Commission. Jesus calls them to “make disciples” of himself. So, that’s our mission, too! We are disciples who make disciples. And we are inviting you to join the cause.
Click on these links to find opportunities to grow in your relationship with God, and contact Christopher Goss for more information.
Helpful Spiritual Gifts: Apostle, Discernment, Evangelism, Faith, Leadership, Missions, Pastoring, Teaching, Wisdom

Epic exists to help students become whole through Jesus. We do this through 3 key values; Authentic Relationships, Wholehearted Worship, and Transformative Discipleship.
Click on these links to find job descriptions for service opportunities, and contact Taylor Williams for more information.
- Epic Leadership Team – Club 56
- Epic Leadership Team – Wednesdays
- Epic Leadership Team – Sundays
- Epic Meal Team – Sundays
Helpful Spiritual Gifts: Faith, Helping, Leadership, Music, Pastoring, Prayer, Serving, Teaching, Wisdom
What drives us in KidCity is our desire for every child to know who they are and whose they are — beloved children of God. We encourage their hunger to know, passionately love, and boldly live for our Lord in return. Our desire is to provide a safe, loving, and fun environment for children to begin and grow in their relationship with Jesus.
Click on these links to find job descriptions for service opportunities, and contact Jenni Grace for more information.
- Bible Storyteller
- Sunday Shepherd
- Wednesday Small Group Leader
- Activities Leader
- Pre-K Leader
- Nursery Volunteer
- KidCity Greeter
- Prayer Partner
- KidCity Backup Team
Helpful Spiritual Gifts: Craftsmanship, Faith, Helping, Leadership, Pastoring, Prayer, Serving, Teaching, Wisdom

In Old Testament days, there was an entire tribe of people dedicated to caring for the Temple. They had big hearts for God’s house, and a heart to care for the spiritual life of the community in practical ways. A Mosaic House-Keeper is a modern-day Levite!
Click on these links to find job descriptions for service opportunities, and contact Caroline Latham for more information.
Helpful Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Craftsmanship, Faith, Helping, Leadership, Serving