Sunday Morning

Carrying the Kingdom

| September 22, 2024

Do you find it difficult to talk to people about your faith? How can we trust God in sharing the gospel to others? We will talk about the ways we can find common ground and build a genuine connection this Sunday. For now, pray humbly and ask God to give all of us grace in sharing the Word.

Sunday Morning

The Kingdom Comes

| September 15, 2024

What if there is a power behind the powers? What if Jesus has authority over the powers behind the powers? Jesus can set us free. The question is do we really want to be free? In Matthew 8, Jesus demonstrates His power while also addressing the true cost of discipleship.

Sunday Morning

The Way of the Kingdom Part 3

| September 8, 2024

How do you know if you are on the right road? Being on the right road is vitally important in arriving at the right destination. In Matthew 7, Jesus gives us several hints to help us know if we are on the right road.

Sunday Morning

The Way of the Kingdom Part 2

| September 1, 2024

Last week, we learned about the first block of teaching from Jesus in Matthew 5. What exactly are "Acts of Righteousness?" We learned about what it looked like to live in the absence of Jesus. This week, we'll see what it’s like to be in His presence. Join us on as we dive deeper into the book of Matthew.

Sunday Morning

The Way of the Kingdom Part 1

| August 25, 2024

What does it mean that the Kingdom is both here now and forthcoming? What if King Jesus invites us to the already and not yet? What if our faith allows us to see the clear picture of the Kingdom? Come join us as we continue our walk through the Book of Matthew and celebrate Jesus as King.

Sunday Morning

The Tests of Human Kind

| August 18, 2024

Jesus was baptized for us, but in Matthew 4, Jesus takes on the enemy for us. In a world that longs for quick fixes, what does it mean to follow Jesus the right way? How do you remove restricting beliefs that keep you from open to Kingdom possibilities? Come join us as we continue to walk through the Book of Matthew and celebrate Jesus as King.

Sunday Morning

Matthew 3 – Repentance that Invites God’s Glory

| August 11, 2024

Jesus was baptized? I thought baptism was for repentant sinners. But Jesus never sinned, right? In a world that wars for status and power, Jesus shows us a different way. A way that releases God’s glory throughout the land. Join us this Sunday as we follow Jesus into His baptism through Matthew 3!

Sunday Morning

Going from Anti-Trust to Trust

| August 4, 2024

The Gospels are the story that tells us Jesus is King. What does it mean to have our lives built by the understanding that Jesus is King? In today's world, what does it look like to live as a citizen of this Kingdom? Join us as we dive deep into the book of Matthew! We'll kick off the "Jesus is King" series this Sunday, August 4.

Sunday Morning

God is good. God loves you. God can be trusted.

| July 28, 2024

This Sunday, let's come together to celebrate our life in Christ and in community. We will have one service 10:30a, where we'll revel in gratitude and return to what is most important -- the profound goodness and deep love of God. Steve and I will be honored to share Communion with you as we mark a milestone in our own history with this beautiful community. This will be my last Sunday as your pastor, though we will continue to serve alongside you in ministry.

Steve and I want to thank you -- deeply, from the bottom of our hearts -- for such a rich time of testimony and celebration last Saturday. My goodness, what gratitude and love we sensed in that room as we acknowledged together all God has done among us. Thank you for the beautiful gift of your stories, the very generous vacation gift, and the lavish gift of your time and care. We love you all so much and are overwhelmed by the goodness of God in allowing us to serve at Mosaic.

Sunday Morning

Blessing the Generations

| July 21, 2024

Friends, I can hardly believe we are only two Sundays away from transitioning "from one call to the next" and from one generation to the next. I am at once filled with gratitude for how you have received this season, and grieving the inevitable changes this will bring. I have so loved being your pastor! And yet, the Lord has led us to this place in such a profound and obvious way. How can we not be grateful?

These last two Sundays give us a unique and beautiful opportunity to be strengthened, encouraged and empowered by the Holy Spirit for the journey. This Sunday, we will take time to listen in on Paul's conversation with a young pastor named Timothy and learn from an apostle how to set the next generation up for spiritual success.