“While We Wait, We Wrestle”
Now it's back to Genesis and what a story to jump back into! So much of life is about waiting and wrestling, and the stories we'll explore on Sunday personify that part of our humanity. It is Jacob waiting for Rachel, and Rachel struggling against Leah. It is Rachel waiting for Joseph while Jacob wrestles with God. It is Jacob and Esau both wrestling with each other and waiting for peace.
All that waiting and wrestling is not wasted on God. These stories teach us how God uses the waiting and the wrestling to move our lives forward. And they hold a Messianic thread that will run from Jacob to Jesus.
Reclaiming the Blessing
Whether we know it or not, you and I have lost something of immeasurable value. We may not even be aware that we have lost it. But when you and I discover what we have lost and how we lost it, we will want it back. The good news is that we can get it back. This Sunday, we will discover how that can happen.
Jesus’ Presence Overturns the Curse
Resurrection Sunday!
Jesus didn’t die to forgive us of sin alone. He died to set us free from the curse! Mosaic friends and family, you are invited to worship on Resurrection Day! We will have two services to celebrate the life and resurrection of Christ. And we will discover how His presence empower's us to live in peace.
Eternity Justifies the Living – Genesis 23 & 25
When Things Have To Die
On the traditional church calendar, this Sunday is Palm Sunday -- the day we remember Jesus' triumphal ride into Jerusalem before his death. That story, told in all four gospel accounts, is a rich mix of celebration and death. People greeting Jesus as he rides into town are caught up in the thrill of the moment, having no idea that in a matter of days, this same man will be hung on a cross and left to die. They don't know him as a supernatural king, even if he has told them so. It is a scene full of irony.
Meanwhile, back in Genesis, this Sunday we encounter the deaths of Sarah and Abraham. Like Jesus, their deaths are underrated and their legacy stories not yet fully appreciated. And like Jesus, their deaths usher in a new generation of God's people. What Abraham lived into and hoped for by faith, Jesus accomplished by the saving power of God. The faith we have now, we have because of these lives -- both mortal and immortal.
Thanks be to God.
Faith Responds “Here I Am”
Isaac's Test, Too
This week in our journey through Genesis, we find ourselves in the thick of Isaac's story and one of the most famous scenes in the Old Testament. Usually, this story is referred to as Abraham's test of faith, but surely this is Isaac's test, too. What Abraham and Isaac both lay up on the altar is faith. And greater faith is what they take away from what was undoubtedly the most critical moment of their lives. What Abaham and Isaac learned at the altar of God teaches us a lot about what God desires from us all. I can't wait to talk about it with you.
God’s Grace & Mercy Are Bigger Than Our Boxes
This week, we jump into two strange stories, but this is exactly what makes Genesis so good. It's so real. The writer never tries to gloss over the hard moments in our history. There is no attempt to tie everything up into neat little bows. No, actually, in Genesis we get to see God and his people in all their raw and unfiltered glory. This week is no exception. Genesis 19-20 reminds us that God will often deal with people in ways that don't fit our usual categories. He is both holy and patient, fear-deserving and loving, knowable andmysterious. And this same God makes room in his heart for you and in you with all your complexity ...
Leave It Better Than You Found It
The first rule of camping is "leave it better than you found it." We will jump into 1st John 4 and discover how this rule of camping applies to our daily lives!
Your Story Matters – Epic Sunday
Okay, I may be biased, but I'm pretty sure our students are THE BEST. They worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly. They are faithful to show up for worship week after week with their praise on, and they are just so ... good. I really love our students, and I REALLY love Epic Sundays! This week, we get the joy of being led by students in worship. And it is going to be great. I hope you'll come and support these awesome kids, as they pour out for the cause of Christ.
Topics: The Story
Mosaic’s 20th Anniversary
Thus far, the Lord has been good to us!
This Sunday, we take a break from our Genesis study to celebrate all God has done among us since our first Sunday in worship 20 years ago this month. We will worship together, share stories of God's faithfulness, and enjoy a good meal and great fellowship
Genesis 15 – Faith Over Certainty
Does God Keep His Promises?
Yes, he does! Everything we are and everything we believe hinges on this one fundamental truth: God keeps his word. The one thing that must be true -- before anything else about God can be true -- is that God keeps his promises. And if God keeps his word, then there is no place we can go that’s too far from him, no place he won’t go to bring us home. This is true for you, for me, and for the world. And friend, even when it doesn’t feel like it, its true. May this be your hope this week.