In the Beginning | Genesis 1
Happy New Year! At the beginning of this new season, we at Mosaic are also at the beginning of many new and creative opportunities. As we step into the "new," it seems right to begin where God began: in the Garden. So, this Sunday, we'll start at the beginning, in the first chapters of Genesis and the story of creation. Our Genesis study will continue all the way up to Easter.
The book of Genesis is a book of tensions — original design vs. fallen nature, garden of God vs. exile, covenant vs. rebellion, grace vs. striving, promise vs. human ingenuity. Each of these tensions teaches us something about the nature of God and also about our own design. It will be a joy to explore together in earnest the path from the Garden to the heart of God. So, get ready, friends, and let's get started!
On Sunday, December 24, we will celebrate this great news of Christmas with two Candlelight Christmas Eve Services. Each service will have its own worship and message, so you have two reasons to come enjoy cookies and coffee in the Gathering Hall ... and you have two reasons to bring a guest!
Topics: Forgiveness, Jesus, Love
Hypostatic Union
Last week, we talked about the 5% and the 95% and were challenged by Mary's story to live in the 95% realm of believing in a supernatural God who does supernatural things. This week, we will explore one of the most powerful proofs of his miracle-working power — the union of God and man in the life of Jesus. Brothers and sisters, this is good theology! He who was fully God became fully human — two distinct natures in one Person. He had both the power of his divinity and the experience of his humanity, and only Jesus was able to reconcile those two natures inside one personality. The nature of Jesus is a miracle and THE great mystery of his existence. He IS God, and yet he has lived my life and yours. Why does that matter, and why does it give such hope? Come on Sunday and let's dive in.
Topics: Divine/Human, Faith, Jesus