Sermons by: Carolyn Moore

Isaiah 66: Reviving Worship

| July 25, 2021

This week we find ourselves in Isaiah 66, the last chapter of Isaiah's prophecies. Isaiah ends with a word of hope-filled grace, and a reminder that our God is the Lord of all and will bring new life out of the ashes. And his favor will rest on those who worship Him wholeheartedly, in love.

A New Thing

| July 11, 2021

This summer we have been following the thread of worship through Isaiah. This week we enter a new sequence of Isaiah's prophecy, one that is hopeful, personal, and challenging. God's word to the Israelites is  a word for us. He wants to do a new thing. God loves us. He sees our current reality, and he wants to make a way through we could never see for ourselves. He wants to do a new thing! Are you ready? See you Sunday.

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New Jerusalem

| July 4, 2021

What a great summer read Isaiah has been! We have been following the thread of worship through Isaiah for  several weeks, and every week it just gets better. This Sunday, Isaiah will help us get off the mountain that has us stuck and onto a mountain where we can stake our claim in the Kingdom.

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The Branch

| June 20, 2021

This week, we dive into Isaiah's messianic prophecies and discover that Jesus is perfectly pictured there -- full of hope, peace, and security. How does this vision of the Messiah call us to live? How does it call us to worship? Are you hungry for more of what God seems so willing to do among us? Then check out this message.

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| June 13, 2021

This Sunday, we'll invite you into deep-end worship as we encounter Isaiah's vision and God's presence together. We'll watch Isaiah fall to his knees in the presence of God's glory, and we'll learn that worship is so much more than good songs and a decent teaching. It is Encounter. It invites His glory into our reality.  See you in worship!


Worthless Worship

| June 6, 2021

The book of Isaiah is often called "The Fifth Gospel." Long before Jesus walked the earth, Isaiah envisioned His presence among us with deep longing. In the language of prophetic poetry, he paints a vivid picture of the coming Messiah, then teaches us how to worship Him so that He is honored and His Kingdom is advanced. This week, we'll begin our summer journey through Isaiah with a special focus on what he teaches us about worship. It's a great time to reboot, rethink, and be spiritually rejuvenated.


3 John

| May 23, 2021

I've been reading a book called Bullies and Saints: An Honest Look at the Good and Evil of Christian History. It is an eye-opening look at how Christians have acted through the ages. As the title suggests, it hasn't all been bad. There are saints in our family tree -- people who love deeply and suffer patiently and act selflessly. Our tribe is rife with those folks. But they are not all of us. There are also bullies among us, from crusaders, to slaveholders, to molesters, to hypocrites. We are not perfect people. Not by a long shot. This Sunday, we'll look at a bully and a saint in John's third letter to the Church, and we'll be inspired to consider how our own attitudes and actions help or hurt the cause of Christ in the world. We'll try together to get to the heart of the issue as we let the issues get to the heart of us. I don't know if I'm as  "excited" about this message as I am ready for it. It is an important conversation for the Church and for our church. ~ Carolyn



2 John

| May 16, 2021

This week, we're proving the title of this series. Some of the shortest books in the Bible still carry big messages, and 2 John is one of those books. In just five paragraphs, he sums up the marching orders of every follower of Jesus: Walk in love, and walk in truth. This Sunday, we'll talk about how to hold those thoughts in tension so we can fully comprehend the magnificent, holy love of God. We will also celebrate our seniors (high school and beyond), so come ready to offer some blessings to folks on their way to big things.


1 John

| May 9, 2021

Having grown up in a house full of boys, I know too well that one person's fun is another person's "hey! that's not funny!" All of us tend to define the world according to our own preferences and through our own filters (which means it is pretty amazing we agree on anything, right?). John understood our psychology. and in his first letter to the early church, wants Christians to hear that there are actually some things we can all agree on -- like the love of God, the centrality of Jesus, and the need for fellowship. When we can agree on the big things, it sure makes the rest of it easier. That's the big message this Sunday, and I'm very excited to be with you in worship and the Word!  ~ Carolyn

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