Sermons by: Carolyn Moore


| April 18, 2021

Sometimes the best stuff takes the least words. An "I love you" or "I'm sorry" can be far more powerful and life-giving than a whole page about why. That's why we're looking at these little books in the New Testament. Because even though they keep it short, they manage to say a lot. In just 335 words, Paul's letter to Philemon may well contain the most potent picture of both the pure gospel and its practical application. And it also manages to capture the beauty of partnership, or what it really means to belong to each other. We can't wait to share this word with you.

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| April 11, 2021

This Sunday, we begin with a word from Paul to Titus. This is a little book with a big message! If you have it in you this week, I'd encourage you to take 20 minutes to read the whole book of Titus while smiling. Seriously! It will help you hear Paul's compassion and care for Christians in a part of the world that had grown hard, and that was in deep need of a dose of holy love.


Our God is Alive! (Easter Message)

| April 4, 2021

This Sunday, let's make up for lost time! Easter is my favorite holy day, and this year it carries even more meaning since we get to be together again. I can't wait to celebrate the resurrection with you, worship with some amazing music, remember the story of that first Easter morning, and learn what it means to "think resurrectionally."


The Tabernacle

| March 21, 2021

I've gotta be honest with you. When I read the stuff in the Old Testament about the tabernacle ("make it 30 cubits tall and use purple thread for the ephods"), I feel a little lost. It sounds so ... not us. But when I read it this time, God showed me ... wait for it ... circles! Seeing all that detail of the building of the temple as concentric circles of care ... well, that completely changes how I understand the very first building God designed to house his presence. I now see how the building of the tabernacle was really the building of a community, which is really the building of our own connection to God. And now, I can't wait to share all this with you on Sunday so we can talk together about what it means to be the tabernacle of God. ~ Carolyn


The Law

| March 14, 2021

We must admit that there are parts of the Old Testament that are difficult to understand, and parts that are downright strange. The section of Exodus we'll deal with this Sunday? it is just downright strange. But get beneath the surface, and we discover this breathtaking truth: The one, true God is a God of both justice and mercy. And His laws are meant to give us His heart. This Sunday, we'll look into the heart of the Father and discover they are not a harsh God who needs us to know the rules, but a God who knows our pain, who suffers with us, and who is unwilling that even one of his children should be left behind.

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The Community

| March 7, 2021

In this message Carolyn Moore breaks down the 10 Commandments and reveals how as believers we are called to live out God's intentions behind these time-tested laws.


The Call

| February 14, 2021

In Exodus, we learn hope. We learn leadership. We learn patience, endurance, and character. We learn how to get along together as a community and how to stay focused on a God-inspired goal in a world full of distractions. And most importantly, we learn how to trust God as we become people after His own heart. This week's message takes us into the call of Moses and teaches us that for all our insecurities and inefficiencies, God is enough.

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The Audacious Claim of Generosity

| January 31, 2021

There are signs of hope budding in the world. We've been holed up and thinking in survival terms for so long, but things are looking up. The vaccine is making its way into our lives. The angriest among us seem to have taken a break from national unrest. Our beautiful southern spring will be here soon. Meanwhile, bills have been paid, food has been on the table, most of us have kept our jobs. Even those of us who haven't can say with the writer of Acts that "God's grace has been powerfully at work among us." So how do we respond to that grace? Perhaps it is time to cultivate a generous spirit toward life again. This Sunday, we'll talk about that as we learn from the example of the first-century church how to flourish in the storm.

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Point to Jesus

| January 24, 2021

John's death (John, as in "the Baptist") should have been the subject of a soap opera. It is the ultimate good vs. evil storyline, complete with romance and vengeance. And all because John wouldn't stay quiet about Herod's affair. But here's the thing: discipleship is costly and holiness has benefits. Because John's actions, words, and witness always pointed to Jesus, his influence has impacted the ages. In a world of shallow discipleship, John encourages us to find the deep end and be fearless when diving in.


Are You The One?

| January 17, 2021

John's death (John, as in "the Baptist") should have been the subject of a soap opera. It is the ultimate good vs. evil storyline, complete with romance and vengeance. And all because John wouldn't stay quiet about Herod's affair. But here's the thing (spoiler alert for Sunday's message): discipleship is costly, but holiness has benefits.

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