Sermons by: Carolyn Moore

The One Thing I Desire

| July 26, 2020

Do you remember our One Thing initiative earlier this year? In COVID time, it seems like it was about ten years ago that we were all talking "one thing," though it was only six months ago. In February we explored passages around the "one thing" theme and talked a lot about how to focus energy and faith toward the gifts God has given us. This Sunday, we revisit the most basic of those passages -- David's call in Psalm 27 to be in the presence of the Lord as worshipers. "One Thing I Desire" will remind us of the fundamental importance of intimate connection with God, and will call us to 30 days of prayer beginning August 1. Join us ... and restore your factory setting to what you were made for: to worship and enjoy our glorious God.


Love is Holy

| July 5, 2020

When it comes to the character of God, the Bible is clear: God is love, and God is holy. And those two things are not opposites! In fact, they work together. When we know ourselves as both loved and chosen for holiness, we can love, share, serve, and listen to understand. This week we will talk about the truth that God’s love is for us, and that holy love leads to the good life.

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Love is Courageous

| June 28, 2020

In a season filled with fear, change, and even deteriorating trust, what the world needs now more than ever is courage to lean in and love like Jesus loves. This Sunday, we'll look at what the Bible teaches about how to live and love courageously. And we'll find some practical ways together to be a people who love well. See you Sunday.

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Love is Patient

| June 21, 2020

We could all use a little love right now, couldn't we? But the answer is so much more than that one word. It's about how to communicate in stressful times, how to disagree without dismantling each other. This is about connecting with the character of Christ so we can see past pain to people. It's about remembering who we are as a community commissioned to love God and love others . . . even those that are, at times, hard to love. Because until we get this love thing right, nothing else matters.

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Let The Church Be The Church

| June 14, 2020

So much of the national conversation has placed the Church and its pastors at the center of both the pandemic and our national unrest. In a world that is looking to the Church to lead it through this wilderness, what is our part? How do we respond so that our presence is prophetic, peace-bringing and Kingdom-centered? This Sunday as we gather together after three months apart, we'll take time to remember what it means to be the Church - both to each other and to a watching world.

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Where Do We Begin?

| June 7, 2020

Let's talk about a biblical response to racial injustice, as we listen to David's wisdom in Psalm 139.


Pentecost: We’re Not Drunk

| May 31, 2020

A praying friend told me this week, "This is the Pentecost of Pentecosts!" He made that declaration as we talked together about so much spiritual movement that seems to be happening around the world. I mentioned some of what I'm seeing in last week's message. This week, we'll celebrate more Holy Spirit sightings as we talk together about the glorious gift of God's outpouring over the whole earth at Jesus' ascension. Be encouraged, friends! In the midst of hard things, there is a move! "See" you Sunday.

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How To Pray In The Pandemic

| May 24, 2020

Most of us talk about prayer more than we actually pray (if that's you, its okay to admit it). And for most of us, that's because we don't really know how to pray (and if that's also you, its okay to admit it). Not knowing actually puts us in decent company. The disciples also asked Jesus to teach them how to pray.

And if we don't know how to pray on our good days, then oh my! how much harder is it to pray during a pandemic? If you're struggling to know how to pray or what to pray, this Sunday's message is for you. We'll talk about how to pray when things are hard, and how to hear the voice of God. Friends, God does hear our prayers. Let's lean in and learn to pray effectively.Pray



| May 17, 2020

"Don't drown in the shallow end." That's this week's message in six words. James (brother of Jesus) teaches us how to get peace, become peacemakers, and how to practice the best of the grace-filled life. This week, we continue our quest to understand what it means to be a Kingdom citizen.

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| May 10, 2020

As citizens of the Kingdom of God, we are sent as ambassadors to a lost and hurting world. How we go determines how the world receives the heart and mind of Christ. How will you embrace and live out your sentness, so that your example in the world is attractively other-worldly?
