Sermons by: Carolyn Moore

King of My Heart

| April 9, 2023

This week we will hear an inspiring testimony about the way God gently moves us in love toward the direction of His heart, followed by a message to help us remember Jesus is the king of our hearts.


Two Words, Two Signs, Two Men

| April 2, 2023

We are still working our way toward the cross on which Jesus died. That cross -- and the land on which it was staked -- is the most valuable piece of real estate in the world. No other place or thing has carried more weight or impacted more lives. It is worth our time to stand at the foot of that cross and contemplate what was accomplished on our behalf. This week, as we take our place beneath the cross, we will hear two words, witness the response of two men, and see the intermingling of two worlds. As with every scene from John's gospel we've encountered during this journey toward the cross, we must remember that these are not just good life lessons for Christians. This is an historic record, and our part is to trust the history as we allow it to shape our world. Jesus Christ, our Messiah, invites us into a Kingdom that is not of this world ... but oh! so much better!

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A Jesus or THE Jesus?

| March 19, 2023

get most excited when our times together on Sunday can really focus on Jesus. As we make our way toward Easter, that's our focus. Simply Jesus. The question is: which Jesus? Because what we want and who he is aren't always a match. We want a Messiah who is easily understood, whose “I am” is readily accessible. We are not prepared for a Messiah who is here but not here, or for a king whose Kingdom is intangible but ever-present. We can definitely balk at truth as Jesus defines it. The faith requirement for this kind of Messiah is very high, so we’d better know who it is we want before we go claiming our allegiance to Jesus. Otherwise, like Peter, we’ll find ourselves stepping back and fearful of the commitment.

Who is it you really want to be your savior? Are you sure? That's where we'll be on Sunday as we open the gospel of John (chapter 17) together. I can't wait.

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Eternal Life Begins Now

| March 12, 2023

Beginning this week, we start our journey toward the cross, knowing that we will not only encounter the grace of Christ there but find an invitation into a Kingdom life that is not of this world. I look forward to taking the journey with you, and pray that we will all have eyes to see what God is doing so we can join him.

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Revival Runs on the Track of Relationships

| March 5, 2023

Mosaic's community spent last weekend (March 3-5) together at Hickory Knob State Park. The retreat offered us all much needed rest and a time of sweet communion. This is what community is all about. It's about being together, seeking God together, growing together, and simply having fun! Revival is born and bred in deep relationships centered around the love of God and his mission in the world. So check out this message, and consider how you can bring revival home.

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Worship That Starts at Home

| February 19, 2023

We just expereinced yet another glorious Sunday! Thanks be to God! Prophetic words, missional prayers, time to lift up our friends at Maxwell House ... just so much good! Thank you for being all in on this experiment in deeper worship. Friends, the Lord is doing a new thing. Can you sense it? This Sunday, we close our series on The Art of Worship with a message on how to carry all we've learned into our homes and families. We will take time to pray for families and we'll share in communion. And yes, I anticipate yet another powerful move of God, and look forward to joining you in watching Him work.

P.S. - The Asbury Revival continues! This is day six of continuous prayer and worship on the campus of Asbury University. Several of our staff team are traveling to Wilmore this week to soak in the goodness and power of God. Keep praying that this move of the Spirit will catch fire across the nation! More, Lord!

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Worship that Extends the Heart of God

| February 12, 2023

Can I just say ... last Sunday was beautiful! To hear so many deeply hopeful prophetic words spoken over individuals and our community as a whole ... just wow. We were called into hope, into deeper commitment, into hospitality, into remembrance and celebration. We were challenged not to be afraid that God might show up (what a word!), and encouraged that God is building a people of power. It was a special morning. Thank you for leaning in and trusting God to speak. This Sunday, we reach into the very heart of God as we explore God's love for all people. We will worship and adore him, then cry out on behalf of some of our precious ministries. I anticipate another powerful move of God, and look forward to joining you there.

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Worship That Expects

| February 5, 2023

This week, we continue our series on the Art of Worship with a message on what it means to worship and pray in expectation - in expectation of God's dreams for us individually and corporately to be realized, in expectation of miracles to happen and for breakthrough to be a real thing for real people. And most of all, that the supernatural presence of God meet us where we are and draw us into a new, deeper reality.

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Worship: Gratitude and Confession

| January 22, 2023

In these first weeks of 2023, we are taking time to focus on the art of worship. That means taking a closer look at our usual "routines" on Sunday morning, asking ourselves how they not only feed our souls but feed into the heart of God. This week, we will listen more closely to the practices of confession and gratitude, noticing how those elements prepare our spirits for worship and right-size our egos. How do you walk into worship? What do you bring with you, spiritually speaking? What gets left at the altar? And how does that impact your walk with Christ? Let's explore together the practices that rightly humble our hearts before a magnificent, wise and powerful, beautiful God. ~ Carolyn

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Treasuring His Presence

| January 15, 2023

Worship is the centerpiece of Christian community, yet we often put this part of our lives on auto-pilot. We come to a building every week, do the things prescribed by those leading us, then go home without thinking much at all about the fact that we've just engaged in a transcendent experience. But what is it, exactly, that we do on Sunday mornings, and is that "worship"? What makes it worship? What does it mean to stand in awe as a witness to the work of a magnificent God? This Sunday, we will begin there, with transcendence. We will explore together what God has created us to do, if indeed we are designed to glorify God and enjoy him forever. I can't wait to experiment and experience together the art of worship.  ~ Carolyn

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