Sermons by: Carolyn Moore

Pray Missionally

| August 21, 2022

Carolyn Moore and Bob Garrett (Alleluia Community) discuss what it means as a missional community to pray for our city, and how the work of prayer is a transforming agent.

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Gather Missionally

| August 14, 2022

Being missional is about relationships, not "getting stuff done." As with most things (maybe all things) that have to do with Jesus, it is about the heart. So this week, we'll talk more about that. We'll look at an odd little story in the life of Jesus -- along with a strong word from James -- about carrying a missional heart into the world. And we'll discover in this odd story the healing power of friendships forged in the context of missional communities. We'll also hear from three local ministries that focus on the power of real-time conversations. Can't wait to see you in worship.

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Not My Will

| July 31, 2022

This week, we wrap up our series on the Gospel of Mark by looking together at the beginning of the end. How did Jesus enter into his last days? What can we learn from Jesus and his followers about entering into hard things? And how does the death of Jesus give rise to real hope? We'll remember the story together, celebrate communion at the Lord's table (don't forget ... one service at 10:30a), then continue the fellowship around each other's tables at lunch. I look forward to a Sunday of sweet communion with you


Still to Come

| July 24, 2022

This week, Mark takes us into one of Jesus' most challenging teachings. He wants his followers to think soberly about where all this life and world are headed. What can we be sure of, and what do we need to hold with an open hand? In Mark 13, we get glimpses of the seam between the temporal and the eternal and from Jesus himself, we are given amazing images of life beyond life. There is hope that something beautiful is coming, which means this life has meaning. Let's talk about what that means for us as people in step with a glorious God.

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Where Jesus Gets His Authority

| July 17, 2022

We all have questions, right? We want to know things. That's not a new thing! It happened in Jesus' day, too! We'll see as we explore the account given by Mark that Jesus' teachings are peppered with questions and proof-demands from the smartest guys around. Join us as we explore what those questions reveal, and how Jesus chose to respond.

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Kingdom Reality

| June 26, 2022

Jesus was always telling stories, always using everyday illustrations to span the gap between the reality of most humans and the "more real" of the Kingdom of God. This week, we look at Mark's take on those stories in chapter 4, and through them we'll learn what it means to walk in faith ... even in the storms.

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What It Means To Follow Jesus

| June 19, 2022

This summer, we're walking through the book of Mark and this week, we get to meet the Twelve - those faithful followers of Jesus who became apostles and eventually, martyrs. These were rare men of God, whose names are known and respected two thousand years later. We will learn from them what it looks like to take the gospel seriously and to follow wholeheartedly.

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How Not To Take A Day Off

| June 12, 2022

You've had this experience, I'm sure. You are really looking forward to your next day off. You can hardly wait for it. You dream about all the things you plan to do with it. You will sleep late, eat bacon, lay on the beach, take five naps, run through strawberry fields, dine on a rooftop at sunset. You have it all figured out. Then the day arrives, and you blow it by sleeping till noon and spending the day scrolling social media feeds. This week, Mark wants to give us a better vision for a day off, by walking us into Jesus' teaching on Sabbath. I'll be ready to learn with you from the One who gave us the incredible gift of Sabbath. ~ Carolyn

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Where the Gospel Begins (And Where It Leads)

| June 5, 2022

Let's spend our summer exploring the earliest account of Jesus' life and ministry. Mark's gospel is full of energy, power, and a little humor. It begins like fireworks, with several explosions of supernatural ministry in chapter one. That's where we begin on Sunday. Here are two great ways to get ready for this summer study: First, watch the Bible Project's ten-minute overview of Mark here. Then, read the gospel of Mark out loud in one sitting.

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Sexual Wholeness

| May 22, 2022

I hope you're reading the companion book for this month's series, because Villodas gets it so right in his chapters about sexual wholeness. He reminds us that we all possess what we call sexuality. It is a kind of longing, given to us by God himself, to remind us that we were not made to be islands unto ourselves. We were made for community. We were made to care emotionally, spiritually, even physically for each other, just as Jesus cared for those in his community. This week, we will talk more about what it looks like to cultivate a healthy sexuality that connects us to a deeper spirituality. And we'll end with communion as we celebrate the very body of Christ, given for us that we might be whole.

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