Sermons by: Christopher Goss

The Tests of Human Kind

| August 18, 2024

Jesus was baptized for us, but in Matthew 4, Jesus takes on the enemy for us. In a world that longs for quick fixes, what does it mean to follow Jesus the right way? How do you remove restricting beliefs that keep you from open to Kingdom possibilities? Come join us as we continue to walk through the Book of Matthew and celebrate Jesus as King.

Matthew 3 – Repentance that Invites God’s Glory

| August 11, 2024

Jesus was baptized? I thought baptism was for repentant sinners. But Jesus never sinned, right? In a world that wars for status and power, Jesus shows us a different way. A way that releases God’s glory throughout the land. Join us this Sunday as we follow Jesus into His baptism through Matthew 3!

Going from Anti-Trust to Trust

| August 4, 2024

The Gospels are the story that tells us Jesus is King. What does it mean to have our lives built by the understanding that Jesus is King? In today's world, what does it look like to live as a citizen of this Kingdom? Join us as we dive deep into the book of Matthew! We'll kick off the "Jesus is King" series this Sunday, August 4.

B.L.E.S.S. Commitment

| July 14, 2024

I have so enjoyed our journey together through our B.L.E.S.S. series. I hope it has been rich for you on both theological and practical levels. What if the missional life is the good life? In Luke 10, Jesus sends out 72 disciples who proclaim the Kingdom of God and see people experience freedom that only the Lord can provide. And they returned with Joy. What is more, they begin to experience Jesus’ joy. So, what if the invitation to B.L.E.S.S. is really an invitation to experience the good life? What if stretching toward Kingdom mission is a lifestyle that brings us into the very joy of God?


| June 23, 2024

Shakespeare once asked, “What’s in a name?” This week we ask, “What’s in a meal?” Sharing a meal was a sign of friendship in the ancient world. In many ways Jesus saw it as a sign of His Kingdom. When done with the right heart, sharing a meal creates space for God to work. It also gives people a taste of the life to come. So, this week, we will look at how Jesus used the dinner table to give of himself and invite people into the good life.


| June 16, 2024

Jesus was and is a really good listener. Consequently, Jesus' miracles were almost always preceded by a conversation. That means the answer to the question “What would Jesus do?” is often, He would take time to really listen to people. So, what if listening to a person gives God the opportunity to show us what He is doing in that person's life? What if it is part of the way we become conduits of God’s grace? What if learning to listen well is part of how we bless those in our circles of engagement?