Sermons by: Christopher Goss

Living Close Enough for Encouragement and Correction

| October 27, 2024

Simon discovers that Jesus is the Messiah at the same time that Jesus reveals Himself to Peter. Getting closer to God reveals who we are through self-awareness and understanding! The question is are we close enough to hear His voice of encouragement and correction?

The Kingdom Comes

| September 15, 2024

What if there is a power behind the powers? What if Jesus has authority over the powers behind the powers? Jesus can set us free. The question is do we really want to be free? In Matthew 8, Jesus demonstrates His power while also addressing the true cost of discipleship.

The Way of the Kingdom Part 3

| September 8, 2024

How do you know if you are on the right road? Being on the right road is vitally important in arriving at the right destination. In Matthew 7, Jesus gives us several hints to help us know if we are on the right road.

The Way of the Kingdom Part 2

| September 1, 2024

Last week, we learned about the first block of teaching from Jesus in Matthew 5. What exactly are "Acts of Righteousness?" We learned about what it looked like to live in the absence of Jesus. This week, we'll see what it’s like to be in His presence. Join us on as we dive deeper into the book of Matthew.