Sermons by: Christopher Goss

The Promise, The Story, and The Blessing

| May 19, 2024

Genesis 46 -48 | The Promise, The Story, and The Blessing

Friends, we are coming to the close of a powerful and rich journey through the Book of Genesis as a community. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed walking through it with you. This week, we get to see this beautiful story come full circle. It leaves us asking the question, what does it mean to give the blessing? Come and together let's discover the invitation to participate in giving the blessing to those around us, and by doing so, join God in restoring the world.

Jesus’ Presence Overturns the Curse

| March 31, 2024

Resurrection Sunday!

Jesus didn’t die to forgive us of sin alone. He died to set us free from the curse! Mosaic friends and family, you are invited to worship on Resurrection Day! We will have two services to celebrate the life and resurrection of Christ. And we will discover how His presence empower's us to live in peace.