Sermons by: Christopher Goss

Loss Of Meaning

| February 13, 2022

Last week we spent time in Ecclesiastes 1. On the surface, the chapter seems a bit harsh. But we learned that in order to find meaning in the midst of difficult times we must look for life beyond our everyday passions and pursuits. Because life is not God. God is Life. This week we'll spent time answering questions like: how can we be sure to live a life with lasting meaning? Is life ultimately meaningless or is there a way of being so rooted in the Kingdom of God that it takes on greater meaning than we can conceive?

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A Giving Gospel

| November 21, 2021

We are God's treasured possessions, a kingdom of priests, and all of Creation belongs to God alone. This week, we'll talk about what it means to live as a generous Kingdom people in light of the truth about who God is and who we are.

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Step One | Contemplation

| August 8, 2021

Welcome to week 2 of "The Card is our Culture." To create a world that looks like Jesus, you have to make disciples of King Jesus. This week we are taking a deep dive into Step One in the work of disciple making -- scripture contemplation. Join us as we look at how to hear the message of scripture more clearly and teach others to do the same.



| May 30, 2021

This week, Christopher is our preacher and Jude is the book. Jude urges us to defend the Gospel and to remember the words of the apostles. He also sends us a sober warning about the consequence of forgetting who we are in Christ and trading truth for a lie. Join us Sunday and be inspired!

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The Threat

| February 7, 2021

We are living in a time where normal life can seem threatened. We are constantly trying to steer clear of a pandemic as we're constantly bombarded by news of political and social unrest. As we begin our series through the Book of Exodus, we will see how two people risked their lives to be a part of God's saving plan.

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