Sermons by: Katherine Reiley


| July 7, 2024

Every Christ follower has a story with Jesus. Reflecting on God's work in our lives can deepen our relationship with Him and help us see His faithfulness. Sharing our stories can introduce others to Jesus or grow their faith in Him too. This Sunday, we're going to talk about some of the ways we struggle to share our stories, and how God can use our stories to be a blessing to others. We'll also talk about a beautiful opportunity to share our stories together, and you won't want to miss it!

How Does God Treat His Enemies

| July 2, 2023

This week, Katherine is preaching on a chapter that the Bible Project calls "a really strange story." And she's really excited about it! As we walk through Ezra 4, we'll see how conflict between the Israelites and their enemies stops their plans. The Temple isn't the only thing that's broken, and there's a lot more that needs to be rebuilt. Fear and anger destroy relationships too. While people are busy with fighting and division, what is God up to? Join us Sunday to find out! Come ready for healing and with hearts of pray

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He is Enough

| July 3, 2022

This Sunday, we get miracles! Big ones! And we'll learn through these powerful stories in Mark 6 that even when we don't feel like we are enough, Jesus is. We're excited this week to receive this message from Katherine Reiley, our summer intern. Katherine is headed to Asbury Seminary this fall, so we have the real joy this week of supporting her as she sticks her toes into the beautiful waters of her calling. Come and be blessed by a good word as you encourage a preacher-in-the-making ... and come ready for a miracle.

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