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Sermon Topic: Peace

Digging Wells

| April 7, 2024

In the midst of an awful drought, Isaac dug many wells and found water every time. In modern terms, that’s like doing well financially in the midst of a terrible recession. So, what does Isaac’s faith teach us? How did his faith bless the world around him? How can we live with a similar faith in God?


Hope In Hidden Places

| December 12, 2021

For all the "hard" that has been this whole pandemic season, I hope you've also managed to uncover some blessings along the way. Maybe they have come in the form of a new job or a fresh take on what's most important. Maybe you've rediscovered the joy of cooking or the art of slowing down. Because we serve a creative God, we know there are blessings embedded in most any circumstance. Ours is to explore until we find them. This week, we'll talk about hope in hidden places as we continue our journey to a manger, where we find the most glorious Hope of all. I hope to see you Sunday!

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| May 17, 2020

"Don't drown in the shallow end." That's this week's message in six words. James (brother of Jesus) teaches us how to get peace, become peacemakers, and how to practice the best of the grace-filled life. This week, we continue our quest to understand what it means to be a Kingdom citizen.

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